May 28, 2011

Nathan and Cherise - Oklahoma

This is Nathan. Nathan is from Oklahoma 
Cherise knew this when she married him.  
And she liked this part of him.  
"He's never as much himself as when he's home," she said.  
"Suddenly you understand him a whole lot better..."
The more she sees him in his natural environment, the more Oklahoman she becomes.  
(epic note... these past three shots were taken by Nathan's youngest brother, Caleb. He has a pretty brilliant eye for composition. Some of the best ideas came from him).  
Nathan loves Cherise - his Virginian, mountainous girl
Country boy meets City girl.  
They fell in love. 
She's not shy. 
Neither is he.  
They were an unlikely pair. 
That we all saw coming. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures Gabrielle.
    But you really can't go wrong with such a cute couple! : )
