November 27, 2010

November 24, 2010

Fun Nights with a Camera

So this is what happens when Ben, Chelsea, Laura and I get tired, have 20 minutes of free time, perfect lighting and a camera! 

and no, none of us go to Harvard... ;)

^ very nice, Ben! 

November 23, 2010

The Knight and Lady... happily ever after

yes, this was before they were married. yes, it was some time ago. and yes, they are just as cute now as they were then. :)

Nick and Abby had the most photo documented engagements i have ever heard of. And who can blame them/us (photographers)... do they not make for perfect photos?

The Knight and Lady are now 6 weeks into their happily ever after... and ever EVER after it surely will be.

November 18, 2010

November 13, 2010

Results are In....

Here it is, kids.... the final results of Top Pics 2010.

By a clear and distinct majority...

3rd place goes to ...

2nd place... 

and finally...

the most votes goes to.... 

**drum roll** 

1st place!!! 

Thanks all for participating and helping me out! Soon to come will be all the shots taken in the meanwhile of all of this. ;)