February 27, 2010

Bethany and Charlotte

This afternoon, I turned 19 year old guys into old men... and also a 19 year old young lady into a 10 year old girl... this is what the hair and makeup teams for Eden Troupe do. :)

Yes, we are just that awesome. But more awesome than that, is the hair and makeup mistress.... Bethany. She's basically amazing. Extremely gracious and so sweet you wanna eat her up! Not to mention the fact that her hair styling skills are INCREDIBLE!!! :-D

And of course, our lovely leading lady... Charlotte. Who probably has the most amazing eyes I've ever seen and a scream that will chill the blood of everybody!!!! :-D

Seriously! Look at those beautiful blue eyes! :-D

February 26, 2010

Mike and Mike

Or, as I know them, Mr. Smith and Dr. Farris. :)

I was shooting the semi-final men's Basketball game when Mr. Smith grabbed me and says, "Gabrielle! Take our picture!"

Little did I know what this quick shot would lead to.

The day after I sent it to him..... the entire staff of HSLDA had it in their email inboxes. Talk about funny.

This afternoon, I sat in the school coffee shop and studied..... suddenly I hear a booming voice from across the lobby... "Gabrielle! I forwarded your picture to the staff! They loved it! You made us look so much better than we really do!"

Haha! So now... the entire Patrick Henry Student Center knows I took Mr. Smith's picture... and he likes it!

Whahooo!!! :-D

February 25, 2010


Last night marked the "Giant" Jensen Near's last basketball game on the PHC Men's Sentinel team. He played an outstanding game and needless to day... we are gonna miss our awesome, senior King RA.

I have the coolest "big brothers!"

And yes, the 6'4+" guy gives amazing hugs! :)

February 23, 2010


I caught this during halftime at one of the PHC Men's Sentinels games and I dunno why... but I like it. It's cool (if I do say so myself).


February 22, 2010


I just realized that it's been several days since I've updated... oops. There goes the daily update theory! oh well. The fact of the matter is.... I've been lacking in picture taking. A few papers and exams took over my life... but only TEMPORARILY!!! :-D

We are back in business!

Last night was my amazing Daddy's birthday. We had an amazingly fun weekend together complete with LaserTag and Chinese food! And what needs further explanation? So, I give you the most awesome, amazing, wonderful.......


(photo courtesy of Joseph Miller!)

February 20, 2010

Happy, Happy, Happy!!!

For so many reasons (some of which shall remain undisclosed) today was amazing!

Listening to a wonderful talk on philosophy behind art (oh yes, it was awesome!), good fellowship, getting an extra hours worth of pay at work, snow melting(!!!), studying with the sound of singing voices and guitars, and then friends who bless you...all together, it makes for a day that pulls smiles out of every corner.

Happy, happy, happy day (despite falling on ice again. haha!). :)

February 17, 2010

Ice... **ouch**


Be thou not deceived.

It may look pretty hanging from your roof and sparkling in the sunshine.

But....yeah... it hurts.

This morning, on my way out to my car... I was greeted by a looooovely black patch of it. Needless to say... I'm rather sore. Praise God, casualties were minor.

Definitely some bruises, and some very pretty looking slice marks on my leg and ankle from the pavement... but nothing broken.

Once again, however, I have sprained my left ankle. (yes, that makes 5 times in the last 2 years. must be soooome kind of record... maybe... not). So, getting to and from work, classes, and photo shoots will be an interesting (and hopefully not too painful) endeavor.

Thankfully, I have an amazing RA and wingmate who helped me get my cuts cleaned and my ankle severely iced (numb toes, anyone?) and not even my pride was overly damaged (no one saw me!).

February 16, 2010


Today was one of the best. Started out far too early... and is ending far too late. Was far too cold and FAR too windy. Far too much work to do and far too little time. Far too many decisions to make and not enough wisdom to know how to make them. Far too beautiful and far too love filled. Far too joyous and far too amazing.

Filled to the brim with tiny seedling blessings that quickly overflowed into gorgeous blooms. :)

Short chat conversations with dear friends who make me laugh, new doors opening up to me, playing cars with a three year old boy (::grin::), being able to sit and listen to my dearest friends tell me of the way God is working situations and bringing that special someone into their lives...
These are the moments that bring...... JOY!

I'm quickly finding that the most joyful moments of my life are found in the smallest things and some of the most exciting moments are when I earnestly can give things back to God who gave them.

This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
- Psalm 118:24

February 14, 2010

I Is Loved II

The day was made even brighter at exactly 8:10 pm EST when my beautiful girl and adopted wing mate, Jordan, sent me this amazing note (complete with picture!!!)...

Your smile brightens up my day,
And conversation bids me stay,
Your sweetness lifts and joys my soul,
Your striking beauty I extol,
Let not your answer make me pine,
But say you'll be my Valentine!

Love you! And I totally think that just cuz we're single doesn't mean we can't
have fun today and enjoy ourselves! You are such a doll!!! :)


If I told you I loved you...

February 14th, 2010. Valentine's Day . or . Single's Awareness Day.

Oh yes, here we are again! And may I say, a beautiful day it is! Once, at the ripe old age of 16, this day was the most horrible thing E.V.E.R. It made me feel horrid and alone (despite the lovely box of candy Mom and Dad always gave me).

This year, however, I am happy to be exactly where I am. :) You're only young once. And single youth can be even more amazing! I mean, com'on... how likely is it that if I had some fella around he'd wanna watch Bourne Ultimatum with me tonight? Not likely (and yes, I am going to).

The past few years have shown me that these years of single young adulthood could either be the best or worst years I've ever had... I've decided to make them the best. I don't really know what all that means, but I'm sure it will be chock-filled with crazy adventures and lots of learning! :)

One day, on February 14th, I will be able to go up to one heck of a special guy and tell him I love him and that will be amazing. But, the more amazing part will be when he says it back (insert big grin here).

God only knows when the next season of my life (*cough* the romantic gushy season) will start. But, until then... here's lookin' at you, kid! ;-)

If I told you I loved you, would you say it back..... or run away?

February 13, 2010


Despite all the massive piles of snow that line the streets and the patches of ice that cause us to risk life and limb when we so much as step out our front door... when the skies are blue, and the tips of the trees have little fluffs of white stuff on the end.... it actually can look pretty :)

February 11, 2010

I is loved

Last semester was hard. That was the story. God was good... but life was hard. He has done amazing things in my life through it and since then. Every day I am reminded as soon as I wake up and look up at my headboard.

One day, just after a Latin exam (which needless to say, didn't go well), I came home and found This left for me....

A heartwarming poem written just for me from my little sister, Abbey. Every morning, sun, snow, rain, or whatever... I can be thrilled to rise to another day because I wake up to seeing this.... I don't know if I can say I agree with all she says... but it makes me too happy, literally every day, to not share.

Quite a Cutie is My Sister Gabrielle
Abbey Ryan

A friendship unbroken
Between me and the person I tell
I love the person I tell of
She is my sweet Gabrielle
Eyes a sparkling blue
That dance in the light
She's full of fun spirit,
Of strength, and might
Her smile is bright
So much happiness she's brought
Her laughter, she has unconsciously taught
Her voice is pretty
Like a bright summer flower
I'm sure that her kisses
Are sweet and not sour
Her hair is brown
And wonderfully long
Upon her lips, often sits a fun song
Her temper is like a quick bolt of lightening
Strong while it lasts
But it has the room brightening
It's gone in a flash
Here, and then not
It was pretty when here
Leaving her cheeks rosy and hot
Strong in the Lord
And always will be
Her roots are firm
And has put blossoms on her tree
She is quick to love
And quick to forgive
She is generous at heart
Willing to give
She may not be tall
But her friendships keep growing
Her love is speeding
Instead of slowing
You are a fool
To not notice her beauty
Isn't my sister quite a cutie?
I love you, my dear, most darling sister
If she were ever to leave
Ah! How I'd miss her
I admire her joy, that is constantly there
She's a darling, she's such a dear
Isn't my sister... quite a cutie?

Let me say, my dear sweet Abbey is even MORE amazing!!! I <3 you, darling girl! And yes, I cried when I read it... and still get steamy eyes whenever I do (haha! and laugh a lot too). :)

::grin:: I is loved and I love my amazing B'girl. :)

February 10, 2010

"Tell her she's beautiful" day...

Late last night, I was informed that it had been "Tell her she's beautiful" day on Facebook.... (I don't have an account, so I didn't know this). Ladies, this is for you...

You're beautiful!

You're beautiful, every little piece, love. Don't you know, you're really gonna be someone? Ask anyone!

And because I was told I HAD to post this one.... (I have nice friends)...